Saturday, June 1, 2013

So tell me what you want, what you really really want!?

Hola amigos y familia.

Hoy es sabado y son las 12:22.

Mi companera ya esta en Madrid conmigo. No hable mucho Espanol y yo tenia que ser translator para Ella y mi host mom. Nos hablemos mucho de que vamos hacer. Hoy tenemos una junta a las 6 para nuestra programa de isa. Tenemos que subir el metro. Nos vamos ir combo las 5 para ser mas seguro. 

Seriously, that was rough. I just want to be able to converse and talk about everything and anything. Besides making a friend in Spain I really want to establish the skills to just talk in Spanish. That's my goal.

I was looking at my list of people I want to buy gifts for and looking at how much money I have for my budget and realized it might be a tough call on who gets what. Euros are super expensive. But I'm going to try my best. So far I've spent 41euros. 32 for the taxi which btw I had to get and take by myself. Then I bought a shirt and bracelet and a pen for 9euros. 

I'm going to keep track of everything I spend and buy just for my record.

Last night I had my first dinner in espana. I had a salad a bowl of broccoli a sandwich and croketas! It was a lot to eat compared to usually all I eat is Taco Bell back home. But it was good. On the salad they don't put dressing on it; they put lemon juice and vinegar which turned out to be good. My host mom told me when I was done to just leave the dishes on the table and she would pick up after me. I hate this. I feel like I am an adult and can easily wash my own dishes and stuff but its a culture thing. I just feel it makes me look lazy but I don't want to offend her so she told me to just take them to the kitchen and she will put them in the dishwasher.

I'm really surprised at how modern the apartment My host mom lives in is. I guess all those books I read were wrong because she has a tv and DVD player. She has Internet and both a house phone and cell phone. She has a dishwasher and a microwave. I guess I got lucky in this one. In the bathroom it has a shower and it has one of those toilets that clean out your butt. I'm never going to use it but it was cool to see one. The apartment has five bedroom 5 bedrooms and two bathrooms. It also has two dinning rooms/living rooms. 

There's so much I want to do and see but the whole time difference is kicking my butt because I have no energy during Madrids daytime because its Nebraska night time. I'm sure ill get it figured out eventually. 

Madrid has a McDonald's which I wasn't surprised by but it had a mc express which made me giggled. I'm gonna check it out some time. I guess what surprised me was they had a KFC. I was also surprised that unlike what the books said the shops were all open during the day. They didn't close down for the mid day dinner. Some places did but not as many as I thought would.

My host mom made us breakfast this morning. Ban con leche. And mermelada (jelly) normally all I eat is strawberry jelly but she bought peach jelly and it was actually really good. Might be bring home some so people can try it.

Another thing I was surprised was how diverse Madrid is. It's just as diverse as the United States they just speak Spanish instead of English which I think is awesome. 

Tomorrow we have a tour of the city and then Monday the placement exam and Tuesday classes begin. One thing my host mom told me yesterday which was perfect was "primero teines que tener un futuro" which I love. Even she could tell how important furthering my knowledge is to me. 

-apparently it's nap time en el case de Angelina, so sweet dreams



Butt cleaner;

New shirt;

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