Wednesday, June 5, 2013

6 hours of being a tourist


Took 200 picture and I just keep falling in love with this city. Class is going good I´m pretty sure I just have to be better at focusing and not trying to take the easy way out. I was set on going to the prado but end up getting lost so by the time i found it which was by accident it was already closed but I get to go on Friday so it will make up for it. So didnt get to go to the musem but I found el Parque de retiro which is absoutly beautiful. Walk around a bit and then just decided to take a foot rest but ended up taking a nap in the middle of the park and felt 100% safe. Then I tried to walk back so I could meet up with Nic and Zach and got lost but I found some really sweet churches and buildings. Its amazing how beautiful really old things can be.

Then I gave Nic and Zach a tour of Plaza mayor, which it started raining, but it stopped. We went by the royal palace and then walked around some more. Nic and I met this guy name joel who is 25 and is traveling the world. which is fucking awesome. he was really interested in me in the sense like what i do back home like hes never seen or met someone from nebraska and he gave Nic a free beer. i also had tapas for the first time. they were alright my stomach has just been going crazy and wont digest any food and all i have had really is beer. that is actually all i have had. Beer over everything. This joel guy though was from pensilvania which was cool and shared some tapas

Today has been the worst day in americans thinking im a native, its actually a compliment because I would much rather say im from madrid then nebraska

nic and i are started to become really good friends, he actually offered me his couch and hes gonna take me to all these parties too, which im down for whatever so well see what happens.

today was the perfect little get away. sometimes my roommate and mom can be a little much but its nice to just go out into the city and explore. I will upload pictures tomorrow because i need to sleep and get to class on time today unlike yesterday! I will forever get to say second day of class i missed school cuz i partied to hard on a tuesday. yolo brolo.

but sweet dreams. 

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