Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Been in spain almost two weeks. Almost halfway there.

I've done so much but still want to see so much.

I'm thinking about expanding my stay in Spain to a week cuz my friends are planing a trip to San Sebastion and I think it would be nice to go on a trip with them before I leave for the states since I'm only here fore a month and they're here for two. Why did I choose only a month? POR QUE.

Today I have my midterm for one my class which is a 15 min presentation and a 5 page paper about deportes in Espana. It was really stressful last night but now that it is all done and I know what I'm going to talk about I feel good about it!

My host mom and I haven't really been getting a long. She just talks to much, I'm not use to that since my dad and I live so far away and even back home we worked all day where she doesn't do much so I think she just misses having company.

I really hope my check this week is as much I hope because money is really tight because my stupid loan still hasn't gone through, I'm giving them till today and then I'm gonna email the girl again cuz this is super frustrating because I wont be able to make any plans till the last week and that's just gonna make everything more expensive.

I still need to get souviners and tour the bernanabeu. I also need to check out these places to eat as well. Most of the Museum I can get in free so that has been a penny savor.

I'm really blessed with the experience I've gotten to have and the amazing people I have met. We have inside jokes already and it just makes me feel apart of something and makes me feel like I'm at home.

Que te den-Fuck you
Oh caca-oh shit
mi mal-my bad

I've gotten tos ee the beautiful town of toledo and the pictures I have are absoutly beautiful.
I went to a Real Madrid game and absolutely fell in love.
I also found the taco bell. Which I ate two days in a row.
I think today after my midterm I'm going to have a few cervezas and then go explore the city a little.
I need to hit up Gran Via and also need to hit up random places.

The culture and the environment is just so beautiful that I can't say no.

This weekend I'm going to Santander! THE BEACH. and it started to get hot yesterday so hopefully it stays that way this weekend cuz I really don't want to be on the beach on a cloudy day! I will be upset.

Kate and I have so much in common, and not in like a creepy way but in like we could be really good friends and that excites me cuz she only lives in kansas!

I went to the Sofia muesum but going back today cuz we only covered the first two floors and there are five!
I'm sure I missed a lot of things that I've done and I've been pretty bad at blogging because the internet sucks here but I promised myself I will be better because I don't ever want to forget this experinence.

Oh and I figured out what tattoo I'm getting. getting the world on my foot but just the outline of teh countrys and something underneath it about being a traveler or something. I haven't figured exactly but I finally decided where and an idea of what.

My classes are going good. Sometimes I have a little to much work to do but after realzing the homework is at the back of the book. I'm not even worried anymore. I think I'll be fine. I do have a test to study for tomorrow but I'm not to worries as long as I put a solid hour of studying I'll be fine.

Well wish me luck. I promise to go back and add pictures to everything. It just takes so long.

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