Saturday, June 22, 2013

Explore explore explore

Sometimes I get the urge to want to do something crazy. Sometimes its less intense then others. Like sometimes I just want to smack someone randoms butt but yesterday my level of doing something crazy was jump out of a plane. I didn't do it but I did get my nose pierced. Why? I have no idea, but I did and at first i was skeptical but after falling asleep and looking at myself this morning  ILOVEIT. I'm kinda sad i wont be able to keep it but at least I know that I can get redone and like it.

I need to call Nikki today. I was out for 11 hours yesterday. I got to have some subway and also had some Chinese food. I some how don't know how to walk and biffed it on the stairs of McDonald's. I was to embarrassed to do anything so I just left. I'm really worried about my nose getting infected but I think that's just precaution because I don't want to regret this piercing.

Tuesday. 3 days. So excited for my tattoo. I've been practicing how to explain the meaning behind the world on my feet for my tattoo artist in Spanish. I think I'll do pretty good. I feel like I haven't actually learned anything. I mean I have but not stuff that I will actually use in real life. But the experience has given me a chance to meet some pretty rockin people and to be more confident with my speaking skills.

I think I might be getting sick. hope not cuz although this trip has been crazy, this last week its about to get even crazier.

I toured gran via yesterday! Fell in love!

I also tried shopping the Kapital the 7floor club a bunch of us are going to go to. Plus in the morning we are going to go to Rastro and Botin the oldest restaurant in the world.

I'm debating to go to the stadium or go to Toledo. Toledo I can get some souvenirs out of the way but the stadium is a must do on my list.This is real tough.

I'm super excited to be hanging out with other people. Tonight should be a blast! Well I'll blogg tomorrow and tell you how today went. Night!

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