Wednesday, June 19, 2013


What a night to remember. That is what Madrid is all about.

Started the day a little off. I was suppose to go to the Museum with Kate and Zach but that didn't happen because I was really nauseous and I knew if I went I would have been miserable so I stayed home and rested instead.

When I woke up some of the guys had planned to go out and I was just going to stay home but then I said fuck it and went out. They were going to go to el tigre  which is a place I haven't been so I went to go somewhere new.

Before I went out I got to skype Shay which was awesome. She helped me decide on how to wear my hair for the night. Turned out I looked good enough to get be a guy!

We first went to 100 montiditos and then went to el tigre. I keep buying Nic drinks and probably should stop cuz now I'm broke. I do it to be nice hoping he would pay me back in return but that doesn't really work out. Oh well its all in good nature. And Nic and I are good enough friends I trust him. It will come back to me somehow. I mean he did give me his jacket last night. We finally got a seat outside which was nice but it was cold hint to why Nic gave me his jacket. I had three beers there which is pretty solid pregame

We then went to el Tigre where I met Matt who talked about going and smoking a bowl at his apparement which got me excited but then the guys I were with just left and we went to el tigre. The first one was full so we had to go to El tigre dos which was alright. We did get our own table which was nice. I tried a mojito but it was a little rough. I just sticked to beer tho. San Miguel. It was disgusting but they give it to you in such a huge cup I just chugged it. They gave us a crap load of tapas which was nice. I wouldn't try anything first I made Nic try it and then have him tell me what it tastes like. He seems to enjoy it. I tried one that tasted like a hamburger and bread and then I tried croketas which my host mom makes but I don't really like them. I then just took all the meat off the rest and just ate the bread. Bread is always good when your drunk.

We then headed over to Joy to meet up with Ashley, Kristen and Raquel. I walked in with them but left them as soon as I went to the bar. I meet someone immediately. I don't remember his name but I know that he is from Brazil. We talked a lot in Spanish which makes me happy because I could hold up a conversation. He introduced me to some of his friends and we just kept drinking champagne cuz it was free until after 1:30. I'm pretty sure I drank a bottle of champagne by myself. I also had a shot of tequila which was rough but I didn't have to pay for it! I then left the bar and went to my friends who were in VIP. what up tho. and then i talked to everyone for a bit and then I was like lets go dance. So I went out to the dance floor and just started dancing. I dance with Jay and Some girl. I know jay and I actually danced to Spanish music which made me happy. And then the girl we were hanging out with took my bow out of my hair and but it her boobs. And I'm not sure but she might have taken my bracelet too. If not her definitely Marco has it.

Oh Marco. I was just making my way around the dance floor and ran into a guy who wanted to dance so we danced for a bit and then we both had to go to the bathroom so we went to the bathroom together.


By the time I realized what time it was I need to catch the metro home cuz I still had class today. In the back of my head all that mattered was that I got my clothes and Nics jacket. I didn't care about anything else. Turns out I forgot my tshirt and my glasses. When I went to the metro it still wasn't open so I waited a bit and then some guy asked me if I was okay which i respond to of course and then that's when it hit me that I didn't have my glasses. I tried walking back to find Marcos apartment but at that point I had no Idea where I was at and had no idea where he lived. I pushed a few buttons in hopes I would get lucky but obviously that didn't work out. At this point i new i was never getting my glasses back so I just went home. When I got home I slept through my first class because I was to upset and didn't know what to do about my glasses and showed up late for my second class but my teachers were really chill about it.

I talked to Gloria from ISA and she said she would take me to go get new glasses or at least try to figure out what to do. My teacher invited us to go to a bar with her which would never happen in the US. But I'm gonna do some boating at a park at the same time that I already signed up for so it kinda sucks. I have lost of homework in that class. But I'll get it done. I'm functioning on 3 hours of sleep and an apple in my belly.

It was such a good night. Tuesday never disappoint me.

I ended up getting contacts for 60 euros which I still have to pay for. Gotta figure out how to pay for them. i have till tomorrow to get it figured out.

It feels good to be able to see again it just feels weird not having glasses so I'm just wearing my sunglasses to make my face look like its suppose to!

I have contacts for 3 months so I should be golden on contacts and I'll be able to where them in Nebraska which is kind of cool.

Well that was my night. Time for a shower and then a nap.

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