Saturday, June 8, 2013

For real tho I have some of the best friends ever. In the USA and in Spain. From shitty to good in one day is amazing.

Nick and I, I promise will be friends beyond Madrid. I mean its only a state away and as a fellow smoker why woul I not want to go to Colorado and I have veces who is from there too to lean on if  it doesn't go thought but honestly we are too good friends and our personalities click Theres no way we couldn't get along outside of Madrid. I mean I did tell him about my mom which isnt something I go begging around.

I'm officially getting To go to Madrid game. Ahhh an its with all my friends that's what I love even more they really are awesome and that's what excites me even more. Even if they dot indrstand soccer they will definitely get to know me more than just the drunk me cuz if anyone knows me and know my dads family soccer is number one. It's a Garcia thing. Or even a Mexican thing.

Today I went to Toledo and honestly I wasn't really excited but at the end of the day I wa beyond satisfied like it was so beautiful and it made me appreciate eveuonthig so kick more. Like all the people the friends family like this a perfect time to do that. And that paying we saw did just that. It represented him. I mean his kid and him wa sit at and all his picture of Virgin Mary had his wife in it . That's supper exciting and important to know and luckily today I can remember first hand thanks to blogger.

Honestly if you are reading this just knows I am having the best time of my Inuitsive and we will stronger with the random Spanish comments 

I honestly love that I am known as the Mexican one cuz that is something I am proud of. 

I love being brown. 

Nick and I went to a sketchy bar but whatever we got our beer. Had drink talk but Ill remember. Glad I have someone. 

This is probably so hard to understand. I'll rewrote tomorrow.

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