Monday, June 17, 2013

Its been awhile.

I miss home.

Everyone is talking about trips they are making and wanting to do everything that cost so much money and I still am having money issues. Its such a pain in the ass but I didn't realize how expensive everything was going to be here. I love it here. It has been such an amazing experience but I need to get back home and get my shit together.

I have done a lot these last few days.

I went to a punk rock concert with Nic and Kate. It was amazing and because i went drunk I had the balls to go back stage uninvited and got pictures with the band. It was an absolute blast. It wasn't as big of a rager mosh pit concert as I wanted but it still was a blast to just let loose. I really liked the band too. Just downloaded some of their songs.

On Friday we left for Santander and it was a 6 hour drive and I realized there was no way I could go out that night because I had enough of everyone's voice. especially the really girly girls with boyfriends. They spend most of the time talking about their money and i don't just have money laying around. So luckly Kate and I had been talking and we decided we would go to the beach and drink vino tinto and coco cola. we found and almentacion got what we wanted and headed to the beach. It was absolutely beautiful. We watched the sunset and when we went to poor our drinks we realized that for some reason the cheap wine we bought was still a wine bottle with a cork. So we stayed for a bit and then headed back to the almentacion store bought a cork screw and headed back to the hotel where we changed into comfy clothes and just drank in the hotel. Which turned out to be a blast. We did some risky business crap and then watched Gerdie shore a knock off version of jersey shore for British people but of course it was translated in spanish so we still didn't understand it but you got the jiffs of it. GYM TAN LAUNDRY. and of course DRINK.

When we decide to open up the bottle of vino tinto I was a little two strong for out own good because I broke the cork screw into like five pieces. We sat there fore a good solid 20 minutes trying to figure it out but then finally we just pushed the cork into the bottle and started drinking. we probably drank some cork but the whole new experience thing was all that mattered.

Vino Tinto and Coca Cola is actually really good. I know everyone is going to think its weird but honestly just try it and you'll like it.  Its different and cheap. What else could you want?!

After awhile we got tired so we just headed to bed. Which was good because we had a long day ahead of us. I slept so good those nights in the hotel because there was AC and I'm so use to sleeping in 60 degrees I passed out almost immediately.

Next morning woke up and had breakfast and by breakfast I mean a traditional American breakfast and it was free! We then went to sandilla de mar which is just an old ancient town but it was very beautiful. I am in love with the way people design their houses. The architectural  aspect of things can be really breathe taking. We meet two people that were on the Camino de Santiago which was cool cuz i just learned about it in one of my classes. After we were done touring we had some free time and I stuck with Kate and then we met up with Issacc. I purchased a new bracelet and a rubber band gun. I am pleased with my purchases. We then headed back to our hotel where we had about 3 hours of free time before  we got to learn to surf so kate and I decided to hit up the beach and drink some 40s. Like straight up gansters. It was a blast. We bought some nutella and buguells and mixed the two together to create another amazing snack which we grubbed on the way to the surfing place. I got to play soccer on the beach well actually just kicked the ball around but it still made me feel like i made my dad proud. Then we headed off to the beach with waves so we could surf. I WAS ON A BOAT. YO. It was really cold but I just toughed it out. We got wet suits and all. It was a blast. I actually got up for .0001 seconds. I stood up and then just screamed and fell into the water because I was so excited. Everyone was so supported cuz i was getting frustrated. It takes so much upper body strength. By the end of the surf class I was ready to crash. I actually dropped my board twice. Whoops.

When we were waiting for the boat I finally met Jay (John) but it was weird because we both knew the same person which was just crazy. everyone was looking at us weird cuz we were freaking out a little but Jay is nice. he just is very I'm the boss and this is what goes kind of person. But he did take us to an amazing sea food place. I tried lobster tail which tasted like BBQ and then calamari which tasted so good! Full of new experiences. It was a nice local place in Santander called Restaurante Vivero. The service was beyond amazing. they went out of their way to make sure we had a waiter who spoke English and gave us the calamari i tried for free. They all wished a good farewell. it was the first restaurant that I have eaten and actually sat down and had food deliver to me since the first day which ain't got nothing on this trip. Santander defintialy gave me more of the homey feel of Spain, Madrid just gives me the party aspect which I love. I love the city but it was nice to get a sense of the everyday life.

Kate and I wanted to go out that night but after eating all the food and being in the water all day we were beat so we just went back to her room and hungout for a bit. We watched the Incredibles but we didn't know if we were actually understanding it or if it was just because we watched it so many times in english we just knew waht they were saying. We watched a little soccer and then I decided I would head back to my room. We spend most of the night talking about everyone in our program, not about them but how much we have to appreciate them. It feels good to have met a genuine female friend.

I woke up the next day early and was just going to go get water for the trip home but decided to go to the beach. I sat on the beach and took it all in. No camera. No phone. Just me and the ocean and the five other people there.I did some meditating and yoga. It was beautiful and relaxing. The sound of the ocean will always be in my heart. Forever. I then decided I would collect some seashells a local let me know the further I walked down the bigger the shells would get. On my way back he stopped to take a look and gave me crap for grabbing a rock. But it was a cool rock! By the time I asked someone what time it was it was 9:22 and I had to be back by 10 with all my stuff packed which I didn't even start. I was on time everyone else was late. I just chilled outside and took some last minute pictures of the hotel. Everyone thought I was lost but then they realized I was just exploring.

We then took a walk to the Palacio of something and got to see some animals and a beautiful view of the city. We saw some penguins and sea otters. It was sweet. We walked by more beaches which all met up with el mar canatbrico. So amazing. We had a couple hours of free time so we went and got ice cream and then walked around. I got nuba and fresa which was bubble gum and strawberry which was delicious. We then spent most of the rest of the free time swinging and talking and singing. I couldn't have asked for a better person to experience Santander with.

Kate and I are something special. I joke about it but im serious when I say she is just the white version of me. She is so laid back and just goes with the flow. We don't need to drink to laugh together. She understands where I come from and doesn't judge me. She and I will be friends after this. She lives in Kansas and I am willing to travel as often as I can to see her. I know I said the same about Nic but things just aren't looking up. It could just be we have seen to much of each other and he needs his space and I need to give it to him and not get mad. He knows a lot but i feel like I know a lot as well so its fair to say well be friends jut maybe not as good as friends as I anticipated either way the experience and life lessons he has taught me will be with me forever. 

Back to Kate though. The boys say we can be a little to embarrassing to be around because we burst out in laughter and tend to sing random song lyrics. We actually even made up a song it goes donde done esta donde donde esta donde esta la cerverceria. Donde donde donde. Issac thought it was a song from the concert we went but we just went off of each other and went with it. It was amazing. Its like we're the same person! I've never gotten along with someone in such a short notice. It makes this last few weeks harder but like I said its not a goodbye forever its literally like 40 days. I can do that. I went 30 days with out Shay (:

I got to skype my cousins yesterday and actually got to see them which made me the happiest person alive. I also got to watch the Mexico vs Italy game. Mexico lost :( But I still love them

I really hope my refund is here by Friday. I am okay with staying in Madrid by myself. I need the whole weekend to myself. I'm ready to go back to reality tho. Today I met an older lady and McDonald who was giving us crap because the McDonald's cushions were hard and she was joking with her Friend and was saying she was going to have her friend sit and hopefully break her ass, might I add this was in Spanish. She as adorable and super nice. She called me beautiful. That always makes me happy. When I watched the game yesterday I had a conversation with the bartender about Mexican food. Sounds so bomb. I met a girl on the metro who actually told me the name of a place I can go to so I need to hit that place up! I need some hardcore tacos.

My appetite is definitaly back but even worse because I am always hungry. I found out today that there is a Ben and Jerrys ice cream with cherry garcia! HELLO. MY FAV.

My host mom get a long great. I will cry after saying goodbye to her. That day just is going to be rough. I doubt I'll cry saying by to my roommate. She and I just don't get along. She just was to attached and I don't like that. I like doing my own thing even if we have the same friends at least give me space. Its better now but I feel like she goes behind my back which just makes me mad but I'm over it. I just have to be the bigger person. two weeks left. It will all be okay tho.

I was  burnt Mexican but just on my shoulders and nose the reset is color. Thank you Grandparents because some of those Americans are redddd.I just am surprised it took so long to get dark. Its suppose to rain tomorrow which I'm not looking forward too. I also find out how bad I did on my test. Maybe I should go drinking tomorrow. I promise to be better at it this time. I need to just spend time studying and not being lazy. LESSS GO.

This basically sums up the last few days. Time to get my homework done, shower and pass out! Night world.

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