Friday, June 21, 2013

8 days left.

A week from tomorrow I will be on my way home. Its crazy to think how fast and how close i got to everyone. Last we went on to 100 motaditos for a bit and then i went to another one to meet up with nic. Nic and I have way to much drunk talk because he now knows way to much about me. I don't think its a bad thing but he isn't always up to hang out so it makes me think he's pulling a curve. I'll miss kate and Zach the most. They're like my besties in madrid. Zach is like a brother to me. We punch each other say mean things but it all comes from the heart.

Tomorrow I'm taking the day for myself and exploring Gran Via and tribunal then we all are getting together to go to kapital the 7 floor club i've been wanting to go to! Tonight I think some of us are gonna go to a latin club which excites me!

I just realized I had a lot of stuff to do for my school back home but i finished it all. The only thing I'm really worried about is this whole work situation. I need to make sure I don't work until July 8th but AJ was saying she can't request the 4th off so telling her its going to be another week might be bad. Hopefully when I call her she will understand. I don't want to lie and say I'll be in Spain cuz I won't I just wont be in Lincoln. I guess if she schedules me, she schedules me and I'll work I just want to see everyone already! I'm pretty sure I told her to schedule me at the end of the week so maybe I'll get lucky and she won't schedule me until Friday Saturday and Sunday! I'll be okay with that, I have friends in Lincoln so it will work out for the better! I just need to call Nikki and make sure we are all on the same page.

I'm excited to finally have money and not feel so poor. that takes a lot off my chest.

Not sure if I blogged yesterday but we made an appointment for our tattoos. Its gonna cost 120 euros which is like 150 dollars but I don't care because saying I got in spain evens out the price amount. I'm excited to go the rastro with everyone. It will be fun!

I got a bunch of Spanish music from my teacher today so I'm excited to go back home and keep listening to them.

I think i'm going to buy a pair of leggings for tonight! (: Spain is changing me!

I asked everyone if I look better with glasses or without well i asked Nic and he said its even. I also wore makeup yesterday because I feel like I needed to cuz I just don't think I look pretty without it and Zach straight up told me I looked better without makeup. At first I was like wait what but the more I think about it thats a huge compliment.

I officially stole one of the cups from 100 montaditos! Like a boss! everyone now wants one. I'm such a trend setter! Speaking of trend setting! My teacher says Mi mal all the time now, thanks to me!

I never realised how much I used my bad until i came here

I'm ready to go home and see everyone. But i sure will miss Madrid. But I'll be back.

My tattoo of the world- I will walk all over the world till the day i die and even then the world will be planted on my feet forever.

I am so excited. i wish I could just get it now so i didn't have to worry about it. But I know it will be worth it. patience is virtue.

I messaged a bunch of people yesterday and i probably shouldn't have but i was bored and wanted to talk to people but it was late in madrid so they all left.

Nics host mom said it was cool for me to come over, so I'm excited to meet someone else!

jays pretty cool, I guess I'll be hanging out with him tonight! he was the first dude i dance a spanish song too!

Im really nervous for my test next week but I just have to actually study. I know i can do it, I just need to put my thinking cap on. I have this really nice doodle I drew to add to my collections of cool things!

Today has just started so I will blogg tomorrow about tonight.



I just realised I didn't even blogg. Wednesday I didn't do shit. And everyone goes crazy after one day thinking its been like 5 since we've seen each other. The tattoo shop is the shit. The guy that is going to do my tattoo is super cute. And basically I'm gonna get pictures with him. maybe he'll take me out! ya or na? I want to go shopping so bad but I have to also think about rent when i get back and the fact I need furniture! I'll make it work! maybe i should just work! who knows.

I didn't have homework yesterday for the first time since school started which was awesome

I really hope I'm not missing outt on anything important. this whole blog thing was a fail.

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