Saturday, June 1, 2013

Asi es la vida.

I couldn't me more happier with everything that happen today.

I am so in love with Madrid.

My roommate and I get along great. Honestly, I'm pretty sure this is what a random roommate is suppose to feel like.

After out nap we woke up to Mama Angelina telling us it was lunch time. She made us totallines which turned out to be raviolis and rolliteos to primevera which were egg rolls with vegetables like lettuce and cabbage inside. I hate egg rolls but these were actually really good. This was about 3-4pm and then at 5 we left for the metro to go to our first ISA meetings where we got to meet everyone. I am very proud of my roommate and I because we figured it all out.

When we got to the Plaza De Sol, for once it was just what the books said. So many people dressed up as characters. My roommate and I got pictures with Chuckie. We saw some guy levitating which was sweet. After looking around we met up with the group of ISA people which turned out to be way more than I thought.

I only met about 7 people. Jon, Raquel, Andrew, Brandon, Ping, Mia, and Dora. Mia and Dora left us after the meeting but the rest of us went to a Choclotaria. I ordered a caƱa de cerveza y churros. My dad would be so proud. We then walked around and found Plaza De Mayor. Everyone in our little group was super nice and we went back to El Plaza De Sol to figure out our plan for the night. We weren't sure how to keep in contact because none of us had cellphones that worked so we resorted to Facebook. We figured out a planned and figured we would meet at a club called Marula. Funny thing is the guys never showed up. Very disappointing so I guess well see what they say tomorrow.

The best part was even though the boys basically stood us up I still had a complete blast. We just danced the night away. I had a rum with Pepsi with lemon and lime slices and it was absolutely loved! And if anyone knows me I am a beer girl so actually finding a mixed drink I like will come in handy in 10 months when I turn 21. The music the club played was hardcore funk. But it was bumping. Funky Cold Medina has a new place in my heart. I'm excited to go to clubs that have a place that play more up to date songs or even spanish songs. It is only day two and I am not disappointed at all.

At the club, an old man kissed my hand because I helped him down the stairs. Asi es la vida.

My roommate and I successfully got two cabs, the first one was with the help of some teenage looking Spaniards, who laughed a little because we were confused on how exactly to get a taxi. But hey honestly I laughed a little too. The second time around the taxi was just right in front of us and we said hey, and he changed his signed from on to off. It was perfect. Perfect timing.

Asi es la vida is my new motto.Its one of the first things my host mom told me.

P.S Did I mention my roommate and I seriously are perfect? She just asked if I read perks of a wallflower, weird thing is just finished it yesterday. She also loves the Beatles. She is majoring in advertisement/communications with a minor in psychology and Spanish. I'm majoring in Psychology and spanish with a minor in communications. So perfect.

Chuckie and I
 My Roommate and I
 Plaza Mayor <3

This is 0km which means every road in Madrid leads to this one place. Its called 0km because this is the starting point.

I'm down to like 5 Euros, but in retrospect I bought an unlimited metro pass for a month which will come in handy very much. Which cost 36 euros. But honestly you can't put a price on Madrid or this trip.

First drink in Madrid. 

Outside the club

My roommate and I at the club

We tried to get picture with the sign but don't really work out. Still had a blast.

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