Thursday, June 6, 2013


I feel obligated to blog and say I really miss home because these girls here are fucking pussies.

Went out last night, completely last minute because Zach called me really drunk and I felt like I owe it to everyone to go out and not drink and make sure everyone makes it home okay because they did it for me. But if I would have known they would have left me out and made faces when they saw me I would have gladly stayed home. These girls are just hanging out with each other they're not even experiencing Spain the right way. I don't think they've event tried meeting new people and its just frustrating to be judged so much. At one point one of the girls was like someone finish this and I was like I'll take it and she said no Cristina i don't think you should drink this, took it from my hand and said I'm not going to participate in giving you beer. I just got there and you're gonna tell me what to do? Like no, I am well aware that I got way too drunk on Tuesday, you don't have to babysit me and make me feel like I'm being watched. This is every reason why I hate girls. I just want my friends here with me because they wouldn't give two fucks. Its called being an adult and worrying about yourself. Super frustrating. There's only one girl that I like and that's Kate. She actually danced with me and we met some people from Mexico who are going to go to Portugal this weekend. I feel like that sounds like so much fun, rather than going to Toledo with a bunch of bitches who control me. Actually, I should have just took it out of her hand and whispered in my ear, don't tell me what to do because honestly I have to live it up in Madrid. Fuck bitches. What's worst is even the two guys who I was well aware of the fact I said some shitty things to them and did some slutty things to me looked at each other covered their face like OMG why is she here and then didn't say anything to me. They were all drunk so being sober I was well aware of everything. But in the end I deserve it. I know my roommate has a problem with me too, which I could careless cuz she just catches my wrong vibe anyways. I think today I'm going to go explore the rich side of town by myself because dealing with people is to much and I'll just meet some Spainards and become friends with them. Fuck americans.

Yesterday I met three mexicans who are here in madrid studying which I thought was awesome. there was a couple and another girl who gets two snaps for getting some action with a very attractive guy, just not sure where he was from. They took pictures with me and thats what I wanted from the girls but they don't understand that and cant give over something that happen three days ago.

As you can see my night wasn't so great. My day was rough but its a new day and I'm just gonna let it be.

My classes are really hard. I have to actually study for them and falling asleep in class is so easy so it sucks. But part of it had to be that I wasn't eating or sleeping and my body needed to recover from Tuesday, so hopefully today goes better and I'm okay with staying awake cuz i had an open view of the teacher so she was well aware every time I doozed off. My homework takes like 3 hours long but I wrote a little cheat sheet to help me with the indicative and subjunctive hopefully it works because I've been struggling hardcare in class. I need to by a notebook still but I'll buy one today.

I have a presentation on wednesday that has to 15 minutes long and also has to have a 5 page paper with it too. I'm so excited. NOT.

Never has a spanish class been so hard for me, but I have to prepare myself because this is how it will be when I take 303 and 304 when I get back home. I guess not getting into advance is a good thing. Although I was pretty butt hurt about it when I was drunk.

I actually ate some food. papas and chicken.

I'm not sure if I blogged about this but what I don't understand is if Nic is mad at me and doesn't want to talk to me why did he spend all day with me yesterday. He offered me his couch in Colorado so I could see Denver since he insist on the fact nebraska sucks. Like he obviously didn't offer that to everyone yet he definitely gave me a look yesterday. He is a really nice guy. Like I would be friends with him if i met him at a party but I just need the truth because just as easy it was to talk to everyone I can go make new friends. last night I told him he was my favorite and that he just doesnt understand my sarcasam but it will get better and he just smiled. He was a little sketch cuz he was rolling his eyes at me so I asked him and he said cuz you jsut said you hated me. Nic and Zach will be the last people I ever hate.

Well I need to go shower and eat.


Can't miss class again!

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