Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Lunes y Martes. Hoy es Miercoles.

yolo brolo

that test raped me with no vascline

1 euro for a beer

found and irish pub thats pretty poppin

raquel and i fought

got a spain phone

did some more shopping

spilled a shot of tomato juice on Jons shirt

told my host mom that i'm sorry i just cant eat and started crying

she hugged me and almost cried herself and said not to worry about it, you are to beautiful to cry. you are like my granddaughter

missed class already

lost 26erus maybe a little more and my drivers license

got my first spain greeting, that is cheek kisses, by Alyssia

found two people who are down to get tattoos together


my school has a view of the mountains

took 3 shots of yager and shit load a beer on a tuesday night

which marks the third time ive ever thrown up-live it up in Madrid

I also gave dirty dancing a new dance

i had gelado for the first time

wifi will forever now be called weeefeeee

met nic and zach which are both super chill dudes

pretty sure nic is the baby of the group, but he looks old enough and got carded twice

everyone from spain still thinks christopher columbus discovered america, sorry vespuchi

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