Saturday, June 22, 2013

Explore explore explore

Sometimes I get the urge to want to do something crazy. Sometimes its less intense then others. Like sometimes I just want to smack someone randoms butt but yesterday my level of doing something crazy was jump out of a plane. I didn't do it but I did get my nose pierced. Why? I have no idea, but I did and at first i was skeptical but after falling asleep and looking at myself this morning  ILOVEIT. I'm kinda sad i wont be able to keep it but at least I know that I can get redone and like it.

I need to call Nikki today. I was out for 11 hours yesterday. I got to have some subway and also had some Chinese food. I some how don't know how to walk and biffed it on the stairs of McDonald's. I was to embarrassed to do anything so I just left. I'm really worried about my nose getting infected but I think that's just precaution because I don't want to regret this piercing.

Tuesday. 3 days. So excited for my tattoo. I've been practicing how to explain the meaning behind the world on my feet for my tattoo artist in Spanish. I think I'll do pretty good. I feel like I haven't actually learned anything. I mean I have but not stuff that I will actually use in real life. But the experience has given me a chance to meet some pretty rockin people and to be more confident with my speaking skills.

I think I might be getting sick. hope not cuz although this trip has been crazy, this last week its about to get even crazier.

I toured gran via yesterday! Fell in love!

I also tried shopping the Kapital the 7floor club a bunch of us are going to go to. Plus in the morning we are going to go to Rastro and Botin the oldest restaurant in the world.

I'm debating to go to the stadium or go to Toledo. Toledo I can get some souvenirs out of the way but the stadium is a must do on my list.This is real tough.

I'm super excited to be hanging out with other people. Tonight should be a blast! Well I'll blogg tomorrow and tell you how today went. Night!

Friday, June 21, 2013

8 days left.

A week from tomorrow I will be on my way home. Its crazy to think how fast and how close i got to everyone. Last we went on to 100 motaditos for a bit and then i went to another one to meet up with nic. Nic and I have way to much drunk talk because he now knows way to much about me. I don't think its a bad thing but he isn't always up to hang out so it makes me think he's pulling a curve. I'll miss kate and Zach the most. They're like my besties in madrid. Zach is like a brother to me. We punch each other say mean things but it all comes from the heart.

Tomorrow I'm taking the day for myself and exploring Gran Via and tribunal then we all are getting together to go to kapital the 7 floor club i've been wanting to go to! Tonight I think some of us are gonna go to a latin club which excites me!

I just realized I had a lot of stuff to do for my school back home but i finished it all. The only thing I'm really worried about is this whole work situation. I need to make sure I don't work until July 8th but AJ was saying she can't request the 4th off so telling her its going to be another week might be bad. Hopefully when I call her she will understand. I don't want to lie and say I'll be in Spain cuz I won't I just wont be in Lincoln. I guess if she schedules me, she schedules me and I'll work I just want to see everyone already! I'm pretty sure I told her to schedule me at the end of the week so maybe I'll get lucky and she won't schedule me until Friday Saturday and Sunday! I'll be okay with that, I have friends in Lincoln so it will work out for the better! I just need to call Nikki and make sure we are all on the same page.

I'm excited to finally have money and not feel so poor. that takes a lot off my chest.

Not sure if I blogged yesterday but we made an appointment for our tattoos. Its gonna cost 120 euros which is like 150 dollars but I don't care because saying I got in spain evens out the price amount. I'm excited to go the rastro with everyone. It will be fun!

I got a bunch of Spanish music from my teacher today so I'm excited to go back home and keep listening to them.

I think i'm going to buy a pair of leggings for tonight! (: Spain is changing me!

I asked everyone if I look better with glasses or without well i asked Nic and he said its even. I also wore makeup yesterday because I feel like I needed to cuz I just don't think I look pretty without it and Zach straight up told me I looked better without makeup. At first I was like wait what but the more I think about it thats a huge compliment.

I officially stole one of the cups from 100 montaditos! Like a boss! everyone now wants one. I'm such a trend setter! Speaking of trend setting! My teacher says Mi mal all the time now, thanks to me!

I never realised how much I used my bad until i came here

I'm ready to go home and see everyone. But i sure will miss Madrid. But I'll be back.

My tattoo of the world- I will walk all over the world till the day i die and even then the world will be planted on my feet forever.

I am so excited. i wish I could just get it now so i didn't have to worry about it. But I know it will be worth it. patience is virtue.

I messaged a bunch of people yesterday and i probably shouldn't have but i was bored and wanted to talk to people but it was late in madrid so they all left.

Nics host mom said it was cool for me to come over, so I'm excited to meet someone else!

jays pretty cool, I guess I'll be hanging out with him tonight! he was the first dude i dance a spanish song too!

Im really nervous for my test next week but I just have to actually study. I know i can do it, I just need to put my thinking cap on. I have this really nice doodle I drew to add to my collections of cool things!

Today has just started so I will blogg tomorrow about tonight.



I just realised I didn't even blogg. Wednesday I didn't do shit. And everyone goes crazy after one day thinking its been like 5 since we've seen each other. The tattoo shop is the shit. The guy that is going to do my tattoo is super cute. And basically I'm gonna get pictures with him. maybe he'll take me out! ya or na? I want to go shopping so bad but I have to also think about rent when i get back and the fact I need furniture! I'll make it work! maybe i should just work! who knows.

I didn't have homework yesterday for the first time since school started which was awesome

I really hope I'm not missing outt on anything important. this whole blog thing was a fail.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


What a night to remember. That is what Madrid is all about.

Started the day a little off. I was suppose to go to the Museum with Kate and Zach but that didn't happen because I was really nauseous and I knew if I went I would have been miserable so I stayed home and rested instead.

When I woke up some of the guys had planned to go out and I was just going to stay home but then I said fuck it and went out. They were going to go to el tigre  which is a place I haven't been so I went to go somewhere new.

Before I went out I got to skype Shay which was awesome. She helped me decide on how to wear my hair for the night. Turned out I looked good enough to get be a guy!

We first went to 100 montiditos and then went to el tigre. I keep buying Nic drinks and probably should stop cuz now I'm broke. I do it to be nice hoping he would pay me back in return but that doesn't really work out. Oh well its all in good nature. And Nic and I are good enough friends I trust him. It will come back to me somehow. I mean he did give me his jacket last night. We finally got a seat outside which was nice but it was cold hint to why Nic gave me his jacket. I had three beers there which is pretty solid pregame

We then went to el Tigre where I met Matt who talked about going and smoking a bowl at his apparement which got me excited but then the guys I were with just left and we went to el tigre. The first one was full so we had to go to El tigre dos which was alright. We did get our own table which was nice. I tried a mojito but it was a little rough. I just sticked to beer tho. San Miguel. It was disgusting but they give it to you in such a huge cup I just chugged it. They gave us a crap load of tapas which was nice. I wouldn't try anything first I made Nic try it and then have him tell me what it tastes like. He seems to enjoy it. I tried one that tasted like a hamburger and bread and then I tried croketas which my host mom makes but I don't really like them. I then just took all the meat off the rest and just ate the bread. Bread is always good when your drunk.

We then headed over to Joy to meet up with Ashley, Kristen and Raquel. I walked in with them but left them as soon as I went to the bar. I meet someone immediately. I don't remember his name but I know that he is from Brazil. We talked a lot in Spanish which makes me happy because I could hold up a conversation. He introduced me to some of his friends and we just kept drinking champagne cuz it was free until after 1:30. I'm pretty sure I drank a bottle of champagne by myself. I also had a shot of tequila which was rough but I didn't have to pay for it! I then left the bar and went to my friends who were in VIP. what up tho. and then i talked to everyone for a bit and then I was like lets go dance. So I went out to the dance floor and just started dancing. I dance with Jay and Some girl. I know jay and I actually danced to Spanish music which made me happy. And then the girl we were hanging out with took my bow out of my hair and but it her boobs. And I'm not sure but she might have taken my bracelet too. If not her definitely Marco has it.

Oh Marco. I was just making my way around the dance floor and ran into a guy who wanted to dance so we danced for a bit and then we both had to go to the bathroom so we went to the bathroom together.


By the time I realized what time it was I need to catch the metro home cuz I still had class today. In the back of my head all that mattered was that I got my clothes and Nics jacket. I didn't care about anything else. Turns out I forgot my tshirt and my glasses. When I went to the metro it still wasn't open so I waited a bit and then some guy asked me if I was okay which i respond to of course and then that's when it hit me that I didn't have my glasses. I tried walking back to find Marcos apartment but at that point I had no Idea where I was at and had no idea where he lived. I pushed a few buttons in hopes I would get lucky but obviously that didn't work out. At this point i new i was never getting my glasses back so I just went home. When I got home I slept through my first class because I was to upset and didn't know what to do about my glasses and showed up late for my second class but my teachers were really chill about it.

I talked to Gloria from ISA and she said she would take me to go get new glasses or at least try to figure out what to do. My teacher invited us to go to a bar with her which would never happen in the US. But I'm gonna do some boating at a park at the same time that I already signed up for so it kinda sucks. I have lost of homework in that class. But I'll get it done. I'm functioning on 3 hours of sleep and an apple in my belly.

It was such a good night. Tuesday never disappoint me.

I ended up getting contacts for 60 euros which I still have to pay for. Gotta figure out how to pay for them. i have till tomorrow to get it figured out.

It feels good to be able to see again it just feels weird not having glasses so I'm just wearing my sunglasses to make my face look like its suppose to!

I have contacts for 3 months so I should be golden on contacts and I'll be able to where them in Nebraska which is kind of cool.

Well that was my night. Time for a shower and then a nap.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Its been awhile.

I miss home.

Everyone is talking about trips they are making and wanting to do everything that cost so much money and I still am having money issues. Its such a pain in the ass but I didn't realize how expensive everything was going to be here. I love it here. It has been such an amazing experience but I need to get back home and get my shit together.

I have done a lot these last few days.

I went to a punk rock concert with Nic and Kate. It was amazing and because i went drunk I had the balls to go back stage uninvited and got pictures with the band. It was an absolute blast. It wasn't as big of a rager mosh pit concert as I wanted but it still was a blast to just let loose. I really liked the band too. Just downloaded some of their songs.

On Friday we left for Santander and it was a 6 hour drive and I realized there was no way I could go out that night because I had enough of everyone's voice. especially the really girly girls with boyfriends. They spend most of the time talking about their money and i don't just have money laying around. So luckly Kate and I had been talking and we decided we would go to the beach and drink vino tinto and coco cola. we found and almentacion got what we wanted and headed to the beach. It was absolutely beautiful. We watched the sunset and when we went to poor our drinks we realized that for some reason the cheap wine we bought was still a wine bottle with a cork. So we stayed for a bit and then headed back to the almentacion store bought a cork screw and headed back to the hotel where we changed into comfy clothes and just drank in the hotel. Which turned out to be a blast. We did some risky business crap and then watched Gerdie shore a knock off version of jersey shore for British people but of course it was translated in spanish so we still didn't understand it but you got the jiffs of it. GYM TAN LAUNDRY. and of course DRINK.

When we decide to open up the bottle of vino tinto I was a little two strong for out own good because I broke the cork screw into like five pieces. We sat there fore a good solid 20 minutes trying to figure it out but then finally we just pushed the cork into the bottle and started drinking. we probably drank some cork but the whole new experience thing was all that mattered.

Vino Tinto and Coca Cola is actually really good. I know everyone is going to think its weird but honestly just try it and you'll like it.  Its different and cheap. What else could you want?!

After awhile we got tired so we just headed to bed. Which was good because we had a long day ahead of us. I slept so good those nights in the hotel because there was AC and I'm so use to sleeping in 60 degrees I passed out almost immediately.

Next morning woke up and had breakfast and by breakfast I mean a traditional American breakfast and it was free! We then went to sandilla de mar which is just an old ancient town but it was very beautiful. I am in love with the way people design their houses. The architectural  aspect of things can be really breathe taking. We meet two people that were on the Camino de Santiago which was cool cuz i just learned about it in one of my classes. After we were done touring we had some free time and I stuck with Kate and then we met up with Issacc. I purchased a new bracelet and a rubber band gun. I am pleased with my purchases. We then headed back to our hotel where we had about 3 hours of free time before  we got to learn to surf so kate and I decided to hit up the beach and drink some 40s. Like straight up gansters. It was a blast. We bought some nutella and buguells and mixed the two together to create another amazing snack which we grubbed on the way to the surfing place. I got to play soccer on the beach well actually just kicked the ball around but it still made me feel like i made my dad proud. Then we headed off to the beach with waves so we could surf. I WAS ON A BOAT. YO. It was really cold but I just toughed it out. We got wet suits and all. It was a blast. I actually got up for .0001 seconds. I stood up and then just screamed and fell into the water because I was so excited. Everyone was so supported cuz i was getting frustrated. It takes so much upper body strength. By the end of the surf class I was ready to crash. I actually dropped my board twice. Whoops.

When we were waiting for the boat I finally met Jay (John) but it was weird because we both knew the same person which was just crazy. everyone was looking at us weird cuz we were freaking out a little but Jay is nice. he just is very I'm the boss and this is what goes kind of person. But he did take us to an amazing sea food place. I tried lobster tail which tasted like BBQ and then calamari which tasted so good! Full of new experiences. It was a nice local place in Santander called Restaurante Vivero. The service was beyond amazing. they went out of their way to make sure we had a waiter who spoke English and gave us the calamari i tried for free. They all wished a good farewell. it was the first restaurant that I have eaten and actually sat down and had food deliver to me since the first day which ain't got nothing on this trip. Santander defintialy gave me more of the homey feel of Spain, Madrid just gives me the party aspect which I love. I love the city but it was nice to get a sense of the everyday life.

Kate and I wanted to go out that night but after eating all the food and being in the water all day we were beat so we just went back to her room and hungout for a bit. We watched the Incredibles but we didn't know if we were actually understanding it or if it was just because we watched it so many times in english we just knew waht they were saying. We watched a little soccer and then I decided I would head back to my room. We spend most of the night talking about everyone in our program, not about them but how much we have to appreciate them. It feels good to have met a genuine female friend.

I woke up the next day early and was just going to go get water for the trip home but decided to go to the beach. I sat on the beach and took it all in. No camera. No phone. Just me and the ocean and the five other people there.I did some meditating and yoga. It was beautiful and relaxing. The sound of the ocean will always be in my heart. Forever. I then decided I would collect some seashells a local let me know the further I walked down the bigger the shells would get. On my way back he stopped to take a look and gave me crap for grabbing a rock. But it was a cool rock! By the time I asked someone what time it was it was 9:22 and I had to be back by 10 with all my stuff packed which I didn't even start. I was on time everyone else was late. I just chilled outside and took some last minute pictures of the hotel. Everyone thought I was lost but then they realized I was just exploring.

We then took a walk to the Palacio of something and got to see some animals and a beautiful view of the city. We saw some penguins and sea otters. It was sweet. We walked by more beaches which all met up with el mar canatbrico. So amazing. We had a couple hours of free time so we went and got ice cream and then walked around. I got nuba and fresa which was bubble gum and strawberry which was delicious. We then spent most of the rest of the free time swinging and talking and singing. I couldn't have asked for a better person to experience Santander with.

Kate and I are something special. I joke about it but im serious when I say she is just the white version of me. She is so laid back and just goes with the flow. We don't need to drink to laugh together. She understands where I come from and doesn't judge me. She and I will be friends after this. She lives in Kansas and I am willing to travel as often as I can to see her. I know I said the same about Nic but things just aren't looking up. It could just be we have seen to much of each other and he needs his space and I need to give it to him and not get mad. He knows a lot but i feel like I know a lot as well so its fair to say well be friends jut maybe not as good as friends as I anticipated either way the experience and life lessons he has taught me will be with me forever. 

Back to Kate though. The boys say we can be a little to embarrassing to be around because we burst out in laughter and tend to sing random song lyrics. We actually even made up a song it goes donde done esta donde donde esta donde esta la cerverceria. Donde donde donde. Issac thought it was a song from the concert we went but we just went off of each other and went with it. It was amazing. Its like we're the same person! I've never gotten along with someone in such a short notice. It makes this last few weeks harder but like I said its not a goodbye forever its literally like 40 days. I can do that. I went 30 days with out Shay (:

I got to skype my cousins yesterday and actually got to see them which made me the happiest person alive. I also got to watch the Mexico vs Italy game. Mexico lost :( But I still love them

I really hope my refund is here by Friday. I am okay with staying in Madrid by myself. I need the whole weekend to myself. I'm ready to go back to reality tho. Today I met an older lady and McDonald who was giving us crap because the McDonald's cushions were hard and she was joking with her Friend and was saying she was going to have her friend sit and hopefully break her ass, might I add this was in Spanish. She as adorable and super nice. She called me beautiful. That always makes me happy. When I watched the game yesterday I had a conversation with the bartender about Mexican food. Sounds so bomb. I met a girl on the metro who actually told me the name of a place I can go to so I need to hit that place up! I need some hardcore tacos.

My appetite is definitaly back but even worse because I am always hungry. I found out today that there is a Ben and Jerrys ice cream with cherry garcia! HELLO. MY FAV.

My host mom get a long great. I will cry after saying goodbye to her. That day just is going to be rough. I doubt I'll cry saying by to my roommate. She and I just don't get along. She just was to attached and I don't like that. I like doing my own thing even if we have the same friends at least give me space. Its better now but I feel like she goes behind my back which just makes me mad but I'm over it. I just have to be the bigger person. two weeks left. It will all be okay tho.

I was  burnt Mexican but just on my shoulders and nose the reset is color. Thank you Grandparents because some of those Americans are redddd.I just am surprised it took so long to get dark. Its suppose to rain tomorrow which I'm not looking forward too. I also find out how bad I did on my test. Maybe I should go drinking tomorrow. I promise to be better at it this time. I need to just spend time studying and not being lazy. LESSS GO.

This basically sums up the last few days. Time to get my homework done, shower and pass out! Night world.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Just spent a solid hour on a post that is now gone but it doesnt even matter because I am so happy that it will alll be okay.

Today I went out for some drinks to celebrate the fact that I did amazing on my midterm presentation over sports. It wasn't to bad but I just over react because school is so important to me. But I honeslty have nothing to worry about.

We did a toast tonight to the fact I'm halfway done. Makes me sad but so many people have already told me they will miss me that it makes me feel so loved and makes me aware of the fact that I made a difference in their lives and definitely in a positive way. They all are just so supportive and are willing to go out on a Wednesday night to celebrate my success. it just shows what kind of people they are. Only the best.

Tomorrow I am going to a concert with Nic, Kate, Zach, and possibly Andrew. Its a rager and nic already said he's gonna go crazy which it excites me because i want to see him in his element. Like they saw me with soccer I want to see them with something they love.

Another thing I love was Guernica by Picasso at the SOFIA. ABSOLUTELY BREATHE TAKING. Seriously best thing ever. So much behind it and so big you just seriously start to freak out before you even see it. I will be back to just admire such an amazing piece.


Seriously tho Kate is like the shit. she just is so understanding and awesome. The last two weeks I have will be spent with her because I know she gets my drift and isn't one of those girls to judge which just makes me happy. Nothing pisses me off quite as much as judgmental people.

Spain does it right. always and forever.

I have an exam tomorrow but I am not to worried about. I feel like if I go drink some water, go pee of course and study I will be alright. It can't be to hard. I have everything that is going to be on the test and I have an hour and a half to study before the test.

The worst that happens is I bomb it but that isn't even possible. The night is still young.
Madrid seriously has yet to disappoint.

All the people I have manage to pissed off or all the people I've managed to be friends with all deserve a round of applause because they seriously will forever mean so much to me. This experience isn't once in a lifetime its the start of my new journey into the new owrld. I am not afraid to explore and I am not afraid to be denied. All I am afraid of spiders (:

I am in love with everything. The only I miss are my family and friends. If I had both of them here I would definitely die a happy person.

Well I keep saying I'll upload pictures but dont so hopefully tonight I do, just don't count on it. Untill tomorrow which I'll get to rage!

Good Night, Buenas Noche.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Been in spain almost two weeks. Almost halfway there.

I've done so much but still want to see so much.

I'm thinking about expanding my stay in Spain to a week cuz my friends are planing a trip to San Sebastion and I think it would be nice to go on a trip with them before I leave for the states since I'm only here fore a month and they're here for two. Why did I choose only a month? POR QUE.

Today I have my midterm for one my class which is a 15 min presentation and a 5 page paper about deportes in Espana. It was really stressful last night but now that it is all done and I know what I'm going to talk about I feel good about it!

My host mom and I haven't really been getting a long. She just talks to much, I'm not use to that since my dad and I live so far away and even back home we worked all day where she doesn't do much so I think she just misses having company.

I really hope my check this week is as much I hope because money is really tight because my stupid loan still hasn't gone through, I'm giving them till today and then I'm gonna email the girl again cuz this is super frustrating because I wont be able to make any plans till the last week and that's just gonna make everything more expensive.

I still need to get souviners and tour the bernanabeu. I also need to check out these places to eat as well. Most of the Museum I can get in free so that has been a penny savor.

I'm really blessed with the experience I've gotten to have and the amazing people I have met. We have inside jokes already and it just makes me feel apart of something and makes me feel like I'm at home.

Que te den-Fuck you
Oh caca-oh shit
mi mal-my bad

I've gotten tos ee the beautiful town of toledo and the pictures I have are absoutly beautiful.
I went to a Real Madrid game and absolutely fell in love.
I also found the taco bell. Which I ate two days in a row.
I think today after my midterm I'm going to have a few cervezas and then go explore the city a little.
I need to hit up Gran Via and also need to hit up random places.

The culture and the environment is just so beautiful that I can't say no.

This weekend I'm going to Santander! THE BEACH. and it started to get hot yesterday so hopefully it stays that way this weekend cuz I really don't want to be on the beach on a cloudy day! I will be upset.

Kate and I have so much in common, and not in like a creepy way but in like we could be really good friends and that excites me cuz she only lives in kansas!

I went to the Sofia muesum but going back today cuz we only covered the first two floors and there are five!
I'm sure I missed a lot of things that I've done and I've been pretty bad at blogging because the internet sucks here but I promised myself I will be better because I don't ever want to forget this experinence.

Oh and I figured out what tattoo I'm getting. getting the world on my foot but just the outline of teh countrys and something underneath it about being a traveler or something. I haven't figured exactly but I finally decided where and an idea of what.

My classes are going good. Sometimes I have a little to much work to do but after realzing the homework is at the back of the book. I'm not even worried anymore. I think I'll be fine. I do have a test to study for tomorrow but I'm not to worries as long as I put a solid hour of studying I'll be fine.

Well wish me luck. I promise to go back and add pictures to everything. It just takes so long.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

For real tho I have some of the best friends ever. In the USA and in Spain. From shitty to good in one day is amazing.

Nick and I, I promise will be friends beyond Madrid. I mean its only a state away and as a fellow smoker why woul I not want to go to Colorado and I have veces who is from there too to lean on if  it doesn't go thought but honestly we are too good friends and our personalities click Theres no way we couldn't get along outside of Madrid. I mean I did tell him about my mom which isnt something I go begging around.

I'm officially getting To go to Madrid game. Ahhh an its with all my friends that's what I love even more they really are awesome and that's what excites me even more. Even if they dot indrstand soccer they will definitely get to know me more than just the drunk me cuz if anyone knows me and know my dads family soccer is number one. It's a Garcia thing. Or even a Mexican thing.

Today I went to Toledo and honestly I wasn't really excited but at the end of the day I wa beyond satisfied like it was so beautiful and it made me appreciate eveuonthig so kick more. Like all the people the friends family like this a perfect time to do that. And that paying we saw did just that. It represented him. I mean his kid and him wa sit at and all his picture of Virgin Mary had his wife in it . That's supper exciting and important to know and luckily today I can remember first hand thanks to blogger.

Honestly if you are reading this just knows I am having the best time of my Inuitsive and we will stronger with the random Spanish comments 

I honestly love that I am known as the Mexican one cuz that is something I am proud of. 

I love being brown. 

Nick and I went to a sketchy bar but whatever we got our beer. Had drink talk but Ill remember. Glad I have someone. 

This is probably so hard to understand. I'll rewrote tomorrow.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


I feel obligated to blog and say I really miss home because these girls here are fucking pussies.

Went out last night, completely last minute because Zach called me really drunk and I felt like I owe it to everyone to go out and not drink and make sure everyone makes it home okay because they did it for me. But if I would have known they would have left me out and made faces when they saw me I would have gladly stayed home. These girls are just hanging out with each other they're not even experiencing Spain the right way. I don't think they've event tried meeting new people and its just frustrating to be judged so much. At one point one of the girls was like someone finish this and I was like I'll take it and she said no Cristina i don't think you should drink this, took it from my hand and said I'm not going to participate in giving you beer. I just got there and you're gonna tell me what to do? Like no, I am well aware that I got way too drunk on Tuesday, you don't have to babysit me and make me feel like I'm being watched. This is every reason why I hate girls. I just want my friends here with me because they wouldn't give two fucks. Its called being an adult and worrying about yourself. Super frustrating. There's only one girl that I like and that's Kate. She actually danced with me and we met some people from Mexico who are going to go to Portugal this weekend. I feel like that sounds like so much fun, rather than going to Toledo with a bunch of bitches who control me. Actually, I should have just took it out of her hand and whispered in my ear, don't tell me what to do because honestly I have to live it up in Madrid. Fuck bitches. What's worst is even the two guys who I was well aware of the fact I said some shitty things to them and did some slutty things to me looked at each other covered their face like OMG why is she here and then didn't say anything to me. They were all drunk so being sober I was well aware of everything. But in the end I deserve it. I know my roommate has a problem with me too, which I could careless cuz she just catches my wrong vibe anyways. I think today I'm going to go explore the rich side of town by myself because dealing with people is to much and I'll just meet some Spainards and become friends with them. Fuck americans.

Yesterday I met three mexicans who are here in madrid studying which I thought was awesome. there was a couple and another girl who gets two snaps for getting some action with a very attractive guy, just not sure where he was from. They took pictures with me and thats what I wanted from the girls but they don't understand that and cant give over something that happen three days ago.

As you can see my night wasn't so great. My day was rough but its a new day and I'm just gonna let it be.

My classes are really hard. I have to actually study for them and falling asleep in class is so easy so it sucks. But part of it had to be that I wasn't eating or sleeping and my body needed to recover from Tuesday, so hopefully today goes better and I'm okay with staying awake cuz i had an open view of the teacher so she was well aware every time I doozed off. My homework takes like 3 hours long but I wrote a little cheat sheet to help me with the indicative and subjunctive hopefully it works because I've been struggling hardcare in class. I need to by a notebook still but I'll buy one today.

I have a presentation on wednesday that has to 15 minutes long and also has to have a 5 page paper with it too. I'm so excited. NOT.

Never has a spanish class been so hard for me, but I have to prepare myself because this is how it will be when I take 303 and 304 when I get back home. I guess not getting into advance is a good thing. Although I was pretty butt hurt about it when I was drunk.

I actually ate some food. papas and chicken.

I'm not sure if I blogged about this but what I don't understand is if Nic is mad at me and doesn't want to talk to me why did he spend all day with me yesterday. He offered me his couch in Colorado so I could see Denver since he insist on the fact nebraska sucks. Like he obviously didn't offer that to everyone yet he definitely gave me a look yesterday. He is a really nice guy. Like I would be friends with him if i met him at a party but I just need the truth because just as easy it was to talk to everyone I can go make new friends. last night I told him he was my favorite and that he just doesnt understand my sarcasam but it will get better and he just smiled. He was a little sketch cuz he was rolling his eyes at me so I asked him and he said cuz you jsut said you hated me. Nic and Zach will be the last people I ever hate.

Well I need to go shower and eat.


Can't miss class again!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

6 hours of being a tourist


Took 200 picture and I just keep falling in love with this city. Class is going good I´m pretty sure I just have to be better at focusing and not trying to take the easy way out. I was set on going to the prado but end up getting lost so by the time i found it which was by accident it was already closed but I get to go on Friday so it will make up for it. So didnt get to go to the musem but I found el Parque de retiro which is absoutly beautiful. Walk around a bit and then just decided to take a foot rest but ended up taking a nap in the middle of the park and felt 100% safe. Then I tried to walk back so I could meet up with Nic and Zach and got lost but I found some really sweet churches and buildings. Its amazing how beautiful really old things can be.

Then I gave Nic and Zach a tour of Plaza mayor, which it started raining, but it stopped. We went by the royal palace and then walked around some more. Nic and I met this guy name joel who is 25 and is traveling the world. which is fucking awesome. he was really interested in me in the sense like what i do back home like hes never seen or met someone from nebraska and he gave Nic a free beer. i also had tapas for the first time. they were alright my stomach has just been going crazy and wont digest any food and all i have had really is beer. that is actually all i have had. Beer over everything. This joel guy though was from pensilvania which was cool and shared some tapas

Today has been the worst day in americans thinking im a native, its actually a compliment because I would much rather say im from madrid then nebraska

nic and i are started to become really good friends, he actually offered me his couch and hes gonna take me to all these parties too, which im down for whatever so well see what happens.

today was the perfect little get away. sometimes my roommate and mom can be a little much but its nice to just go out into the city and explore. I will upload pictures tomorrow because i need to sleep and get to class on time today unlike yesterday! I will forever get to say second day of class i missed school cuz i partied to hard on a tuesday. yolo brolo.

but sweet dreams. 

Lunes y Martes. Hoy es Miercoles.

yolo brolo

that test raped me with no vascline

1 euro for a beer

found and irish pub thats pretty poppin

raquel and i fought

got a spain phone

did some more shopping

spilled a shot of tomato juice on Jons shirt

told my host mom that i'm sorry i just cant eat and started crying

she hugged me and almost cried herself and said not to worry about it, you are to beautiful to cry. you are like my granddaughter

missed class already

lost 26erus maybe a little more and my drivers license

got my first spain greeting, that is cheek kisses, by Alyssia

found two people who are down to get tattoos together


my school has a view of the mountains

took 3 shots of yager and shit load a beer on a tuesday night

which marks the third time ive ever thrown up-live it up in Madrid

I also gave dirty dancing a new dance

i had gelado for the first time

wifi will forever now be called weeefeeee

met nic and zach which are both super chill dudes

pretty sure nic is the baby of the group, but he looks old enough and got carded twice

everyone from spain still thinks christopher columbus discovered america, sorry vespuchi

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Hola, Hola.

Hoy en el metro habia un chico quapo. 

But for real, he was really cute. Although he had like one of those hipster mustaches but it was still cute. Even better he was listening to his music and would just blurt out a few verses which reminded me of how my roommate Kalie would make fun of me for doing the exact same. He was perfect. I'm disappointed that I didn't bring my camera because we all know I would have been that creeper and took a picture.

Last night we stayed up till 7 am and woke up at 9. My roommate and I are going ham in spanish. or as she says vamos hamon. I was not the happiest person today, which probably could be why the guys seperated from us today but after my nap and my Skype date with my cousins I felt much better.

Earlier today we took a tour of the city, I got a few pictures but we were in bus and it had a blur because of the windows. But it definitely helped a lot to but everything in retrospective of the everything else. I feel like even when I am lost I still feel like I could make my way back to where I need to be, I mean I have had to do it like twice now. I went back to el plaza de mayor and took better pictures of the building that surrounds the statue just for my record. Then we came back ate and then I went to bed. Took an hour nap and then made a list of all the important things I wanted to see. I also looked into going to un juego amistoso de Real Madrid. Ten euros isn't bad at all. I hope I can get to go.

Today for dinner we had broccoli and finally had some meat. CHICKEN Fillet with egg batter over it. It was so good. I had an orange as well. My host mom was kinda of a little rude today. She asked me if I like cauliflower and I was like no and then she said well here you are going to eat it. It threw me off and I was offended because I refuse to eat something I don't like but at the same time I don't want to offend her either. I just let it be and just left the room and decided it was best if my roommate and I left for the night.

We decided we would go out to this Irish pub bar by plaza mayor but it turns out we took the wrong turn and went straight a little too long. We were lost but were confident enough to just keep walking. On the way we stopped at a gelado place, which by the way is delicious. And yes I am well aware this is Italian but I have never had it and said screw it might as well. It's all about trying new things. 

We found the Irish Pub but it turned out to be closed so we headed back down to one of the main streets and were stopped by some guy who spoke to us in English but I just responded in Spanish. He took us to a club called DREAMS and at first when you walk in you just see these red curtains but then you walk in and you fall in love. It was everything I wanted for a bar. Even better it had a hookah. We got the Shisha free because it was a promotion, as well as two cocktails for 10 euros, if you split between the three evenly it was a fair share and the drinks were straw. I had a tequila sunrise and my roommate had a Summer Breeze. My tequila sunrise was strong but honestly it was okay because I had the hookah to give me just the right buzz. It was yet another good night. I'm impressed with Madrid's night life, Lincoln ain't got nothing.

The music they played was really update. They played Bruno mars, just the way you are and it was so cute hearing the Spaniards in the club singing it. It was cute. It was an eye opening experience. I love that the night life has been so much fun. And it's all be when I least expect it. It's been perfect. I keep saying I'm never going back home because I'm in love. 

The most expensive Hotel in Madrid

The Train Station

 Really Cool Skyscrapper, might be the tallest but I think i got confused

 The First Place I ate out and had cerveza con churros!

The guy in the white is wearing a Beatles shirt (:

Street Art

Plaza Mayor

City View, I'm the dark shadow.

Madrid street view, I was excited

This is me being a little kid and scaring the doves away.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Asi es la vida.

I couldn't me more happier with everything that happen today.

I am so in love with Madrid.

My roommate and I get along great. Honestly, I'm pretty sure this is what a random roommate is suppose to feel like.

After out nap we woke up to Mama Angelina telling us it was lunch time. She made us totallines which turned out to be raviolis and rolliteos to primevera which were egg rolls with vegetables like lettuce and cabbage inside. I hate egg rolls but these were actually really good. This was about 3-4pm and then at 5 we left for the metro to go to our first ISA meetings where we got to meet everyone. I am very proud of my roommate and I because we figured it all out.

When we got to the Plaza De Sol, for once it was just what the books said. So many people dressed up as characters. My roommate and I got pictures with Chuckie. We saw some guy levitating which was sweet. After looking around we met up with the group of ISA people which turned out to be way more than I thought.

I only met about 7 people. Jon, Raquel, Andrew, Brandon, Ping, Mia, and Dora. Mia and Dora left us after the meeting but the rest of us went to a Choclotaria. I ordered a caƱa de cerveza y churros. My dad would be so proud. We then walked around and found Plaza De Mayor. Everyone in our little group was super nice and we went back to El Plaza De Sol to figure out our plan for the night. We weren't sure how to keep in contact because none of us had cellphones that worked so we resorted to Facebook. We figured out a planned and figured we would meet at a club called Marula. Funny thing is the guys never showed up. Very disappointing so I guess well see what they say tomorrow.

The best part was even though the boys basically stood us up I still had a complete blast. We just danced the night away. I had a rum with Pepsi with lemon and lime slices and it was absolutely loved! And if anyone knows me I am a beer girl so actually finding a mixed drink I like will come in handy in 10 months when I turn 21. The music the club played was hardcore funk. But it was bumping. Funky Cold Medina has a new place in my heart. I'm excited to go to clubs that have a place that play more up to date songs or even spanish songs. It is only day two and I am not disappointed at all.

At the club, an old man kissed my hand because I helped him down the stairs. Asi es la vida.

My roommate and I successfully got two cabs, the first one was with the help of some teenage looking Spaniards, who laughed a little because we were confused on how exactly to get a taxi. But hey honestly I laughed a little too. The second time around the taxi was just right in front of us and we said hey, and he changed his signed from on to off. It was perfect. Perfect timing.

Asi es la vida is my new motto.Its one of the first things my host mom told me.

P.S Did I mention my roommate and I seriously are perfect? She just asked if I read perks of a wallflower, weird thing is just finished it yesterday. She also loves the Beatles. She is majoring in advertisement/communications with a minor in psychology and Spanish. I'm majoring in Psychology and spanish with a minor in communications. So perfect.

Chuckie and I
 My Roommate and I
 Plaza Mayor <3

This is 0km which means every road in Madrid leads to this one place. Its called 0km because this is the starting point.

I'm down to like 5 Euros, but in retrospect I bought an unlimited metro pass for a month which will come in handy very much. Which cost 36 euros. But honestly you can't put a price on Madrid or this trip.

First drink in Madrid. 

Outside the club

My roommate and I at the club

We tried to get picture with the sign but don't really work out. Still had a blast.

So tell me what you want, what you really really want!?

Hola amigos y familia.

Hoy es sabado y son las 12:22.

Mi companera ya esta en Madrid conmigo. No hable mucho Espanol y yo tenia que ser translator para Ella y mi host mom. Nos hablemos mucho de que vamos hacer. Hoy tenemos una junta a las 6 para nuestra programa de isa. Tenemos que subir el metro. Nos vamos ir combo las 5 para ser mas seguro. 

Seriously, that was rough. I just want to be able to converse and talk about everything and anything. Besides making a friend in Spain I really want to establish the skills to just talk in Spanish. That's my goal.

I was looking at my list of people I want to buy gifts for and looking at how much money I have for my budget and realized it might be a tough call on who gets what. Euros are super expensive. But I'm going to try my best. So far I've spent 41euros. 32 for the taxi which btw I had to get and take by myself. Then I bought a shirt and bracelet and a pen for 9euros. 

I'm going to keep track of everything I spend and buy just for my record.

Last night I had my first dinner in espana. I had a salad a bowl of broccoli a sandwich and croketas! It was a lot to eat compared to usually all I eat is Taco Bell back home. But it was good. On the salad they don't put dressing on it; they put lemon juice and vinegar which turned out to be good. My host mom told me when I was done to just leave the dishes on the table and she would pick up after me. I hate this. I feel like I am an adult and can easily wash my own dishes and stuff but its a culture thing. I just feel it makes me look lazy but I don't want to offend her so she told me to just take them to the kitchen and she will put them in the dishwasher.

I'm really surprised at how modern the apartment My host mom lives in is. I guess all those books I read were wrong because she has a tv and DVD player. She has Internet and both a house phone and cell phone. She has a dishwasher and a microwave. I guess I got lucky in this one. In the bathroom it has a shower and it has one of those toilets that clean out your butt. I'm never going to use it but it was cool to see one. The apartment has five bedroom 5 bedrooms and two bathrooms. It also has two dinning rooms/living rooms. 

There's so much I want to do and see but the whole time difference is kicking my butt because I have no energy during Madrids daytime because its Nebraska night time. I'm sure ill get it figured out eventually. 

Madrid has a McDonald's which I wasn't surprised by but it had a mc express which made me giggled. I'm gonna check it out some time. I guess what surprised me was they had a KFC. I was also surprised that unlike what the books said the shops were all open during the day. They didn't close down for the mid day dinner. Some places did but not as many as I thought would.

My host mom made us breakfast this morning. Ban con leche. And mermelada (jelly) normally all I eat is strawberry jelly but she bought peach jelly and it was actually really good. Might be bring home some so people can try it.

Another thing I was surprised was how diverse Madrid is. It's just as diverse as the United States they just speak Spanish instead of English which I think is awesome. 

Tomorrow we have a tour of the city and then Monday the placement exam and Tuesday classes begin. One thing my host mom told me yesterday which was perfect was "primero teines que tener un futuro" which I love. Even she could tell how important furthering my knowledge is to me. 

-apparently it's nap time en el case de Angelina, so sweet dreams



Butt cleaner;

New shirt;