Thursday, May 30, 2013

Travel day

I did it!!!

I just got off my first airplane ride and I absolutely loved it. The clouds were amazing and just how we just flew right threw them and you couldn't see anything. Breath taking. And the guy I sat next to was cute too. Extra bonus. I guess it makes up for the fact I didn't get a window seat but I could still see out of it and I would just smile. The guy I sat next to probably thought I was crazy.

I also got my host mom a nebraska photo album of nebraska landscape and I'm in love with it. Its the perfect gift.

I've been talking to my roommate and we are so excited for this trip. Shes said shes so down for my adventure list which makes me happy! I really hope it all works out between us but by the sound of it she sounds like a hoot (in a good way)

I went ahead and bought what I thought would be a small order of fries but turned out to be a bag full at the airport. They were yummy. But I couldn't eat them all. On the plus side it was only 2.77. Bargain shopper.

Words can not describe how excited I am to just be in Madrid. Not an inch of me is scared. Adventure time will be all the time when I get there.

Well two hour delay is now only an hour left. Well see how the next flight goes. Wish me luck. (:

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