Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Pre-Departure Jitters.

I'm going to Spain next week.

Next week.

As in 8 days.

When people ask me how I feel about it I just give them a blank stare. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited it's just scary and super stressful right now and the inner procrastinator is trying to be as lazy as possible. Do I pack this? Do I pack that? How am I getting to the airport? How much money do I have to spend? Plus all the last minute shopping I have to do. I just want someone to pack all my stuff for me and just be there already. Did I mention I'm taking everything in my carry on because I have a fear of lost luggage and don't want that stress either? Yeah, doubt anyone wants to help now. I mean I don't even want to do it.

On the top of my to do list (besides packing) is buying my host mom a present that represents Nebraska and my life here in Nebraska. Give her a piece of my home since she'll be opening hers to me. I've spend all day thinking, Googling, talking about it with friends and I'm still at a dead end. Part of me wants to go simple (me simple? hahaha) and buy her a cooking apron with the Husker N on it and a bag of recess peanut butter cups because I read somewhere it's hard to find those. But then I start over thinking and getting more stressed out and then just some how end up looking at cat pictures on Pintrest. Like what if she doesn't like it or use it? I want to giver her something she will actually appreciate or love. I'm sure I'm just going way to deep into this but really? She's like 72 years old, I don't want to disappoint.

Literally I'm not at all stressed out about being in Spain. I am beyond thrilled and excited because nothing makes me more happier than getting to explore. Exploring whether it'd be my mind or a place I am truly happy.

My dad told me that when I was younger when people asked what I wanted to be when I grow up, I always said a traveler. I always said I want to travel the world because the world is too big to not explore. The fact that even when I was five I had this dream and it finally gets to come true warms my heart in ways no one will ever understand. 

This is my dream. And my trip to Spain is only part one of an on going dream.

-Sweet dreams

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