Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Final Farewells.

Just for the record people from Madrid aren't called Madrista's they are called MadrileƱos.
Also, I was done packing three days before my trip. Proud procrastinator right here. 

Yesterday, was my last day working for a whole month. Since I turned sixteen I have never gone a whole month without working. So when I say I miss work don't be shocked. I think part of it will come from the social aspect of it. Most of my friends in Lincoln are from work which i appreciate. It makes the work environment better and doesn't make me feel so alone in such a big city. I sure will miss those helpful smiles in every aisle. Pun intended.

On top of my missing list, obviously is my dad. I miss him just while I live in Lincoln so being in a whole other country is going to be tough. I'm daddy's little girl. I got two two handed hug goodbyes and lots of be safes, let me know as soon as you get there comments before he headed off to work. I love him. And also he told me that I needed to call him Wednesday night to talk before my flight on Thursday. I have the best dad and would argue it all night.

By the way, whoever cares enough, I will be using skype/facetime and also facebook for communication with my loved ones in the US. oh and SNAPCHAT. If you want to add me on either or just let me know and we can get connected. Phone calls are crazy expensive so will give thanks to the internet that makes communication free.

As I embrace my last day in America for 30 days, I have two things I'm worrying about; my host moms gift (I am well aware of how last minute this is) and the weather. I love Nebraska but seriously why must it be thunder storming every night the last few nights I'm here. IT'S FREAKING ME OUT. And according to the weather channel its going to be thunder storming on Thursday. Hopefully the weather man is wrong. He usually is wrong anyways. I promised myself I would make it work no matter the outcome.

So really technically
 I'm only stressing about my host moms gift. I've searched the internet and found the best idea ever. A calendar of Nebraska landscape. So perfect to bad I can't freaking find one anywhere. I wish I would have thought of this before hand so I could have ordered one online but you know I'm a procrastinator and I now only have at the very most 24 hours to find her a gift that I am satisfied with. I could easily get her a Nebraska football shirt but I actually want to get her something with more meaning.

Wish me luck. I'm determined to get her something other than a tshirt.
My Name isn't Creative Cristina for a reason.
Just kidding, its Cristina the Crazy Cat Lady.

Just kitten. Meow.

Wish me luck. I'll keep you posted.
-Sweet Dreams

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