Friday, May 31, 2013

Home. Sweet. Madrid.

I couldn't be more in love with something. 

Madrid is beautiful and I've only seen my neighborhood.  I took a three hour nap and then went on a little adventure in Madrid. I saw this place called burger Nebraska and had to read it twice because I was in shock. It's like I couldn't get away from Nebraska. 

I had a conversation with my host mom in spanish who has had people from Nebraska before which I thought was awesome. She is so nice and loving and I can already tell we will get along. She reminds me a lot of my grandma. Both of them. 

We talked about a little bit of everything but we did talk a lot about my parents and how they are divorced and how some times that's just the way of life. She kept saying gracias adios which is thank god. It threw me off a bit.
She did say that no boys allowed in the house. No spainard husband for me :( just kidding although while I was exploring whole crap. Hotttttieeeess.especially this guy who was smoking a cigarette which btw everyone seems to do(gross) but he had a medical shirt that is a white shirt with the American Red Cross cross on it and was sitting outside the hospital. I just smiled. That's all I can do for now. My host Mom was impressed by my Spanish speaking skills but I hate that it didn't flow together. I have some work to do.

I also have wifi at home which is great.

It's 6:39pm here which means its 11:39am in the states. This time difference kinda sucks but it will be okay. The sooner tomorrow comes the better because ill get to meet my roommate and have someone to explore with. 

I forgot to mention. I already started shopping. This could be a problem. (:

Lets see what the night and tomorrow brings.

Travel day part two

Second flight sucked. Those fries got the best of me because my tummy was not feeling it. It wasn't completely terrible it just was very bumpy and wasn't as smooth as the first flight. i did have a window seat and had an empty seat between me and the guy next to me. The view was still breath taking flying right over the Chicago water was beautiful. Actually seeing the beach from so far up was truly amazing. I took a few pictures of the clouds which look just as beautiful up close. I was really memorized at the fact we would go through a cloud and it had the power to shake the airplane and then just like that we were out of it. its crazy to think a cloud really has that much power.

I took a cat nap on that flight too. Maybe it was just waking up that through my stomach off. Not sure what it was but then I had to walk from F all the way to A at the Philadelphia airport, in two hours but the trick was that it really was only and hour because Philadelphia is an hour ahead of Chicago. I was so confused but I figured it out. My stomach seemed to settled a bit but then it was right back on a plane I went.

I am currently on my flight to Madrid. The pilot said it would take 6 hours and 55 minutes to get to Madrid. Not bad I'm just bored. I started reading blink which is a well-known by far one of the top psychology books which I figured should be read sooner rather than later. What better way to start reading then on a plane. I also had dinner. Wasn't the worst but wasn't the greatest and it came with the flight so no need to spend money. I attached a photo of it. It really wasn't that bad. The salad was a little bland and the rice was white rice but I ate because I'm going to have to get use to that. You know trying things I don't necessarily find good. 

I'm dead in the middle of the plane which means I won't get to see the Atlantic Ocean which is disappointing and very bad planning on my behalf but its okay. 

I did get the chance to talk to people. Didn't catch their names but they both are older with kids both taking vacations. The older lady has two kids 7 and 10 who is celebrating her 19th anniversary with her husband who already is in Madrid. She is a lawyer and is planning to visit Nebraska to do a 50 mi run which I thought was really cool.

The older guy is taking a two week vacation to some islands but he deserves it because he hasn't been on a vacation for 10 years. When we asked what he did he said compute stuff which made me giggle like his job was to complicated to understand by in reality he just do computer software. He works most of the time at home but he works for a company. He also mentioned blink was a good book, I think he was impressed on my book choice. I'm glad I went with it too.

What I have learned so far is I know nothing about Nebraska. Whoops. Oh well. I don't plan on staying there anyways. I'm a travel the world. I'm dead set on that and nothing will stop me.

This is a really long post but like I said I'm bored but its now 9:07 I could use some eye rest.

-sweet dreams hasta mañana 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Travel day

I did it!!!

I just got off my first airplane ride and I absolutely loved it. The clouds were amazing and just how we just flew right threw them and you couldn't see anything. Breath taking. And the guy I sat next to was cute too. Extra bonus. I guess it makes up for the fact I didn't get a window seat but I could still see out of it and I would just smile. The guy I sat next to probably thought I was crazy.

I also got my host mom a nebraska photo album of nebraska landscape and I'm in love with it. Its the perfect gift.

I've been talking to my roommate and we are so excited for this trip. Shes said shes so down for my adventure list which makes me happy! I really hope it all works out between us but by the sound of it she sounds like a hoot (in a good way)

I went ahead and bought what I thought would be a small order of fries but turned out to be a bag full at the airport. They were yummy. But I couldn't eat them all. On the plus side it was only 2.77. Bargain shopper.

Words can not describe how excited I am to just be in Madrid. Not an inch of me is scared. Adventure time will be all the time when I get there.

Well two hour delay is now only an hour left. Well see how the next flight goes. Wish me luck. (:

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Final Farewells.

Just for the record people from Madrid aren't called Madrista's they are called Madrileños.
Also, I was done packing three days before my trip. Proud procrastinator right here. 

Yesterday, was my last day working for a whole month. Since I turned sixteen I have never gone a whole month without working. So when I say I miss work don't be shocked. I think part of it will come from the social aspect of it. Most of my friends in Lincoln are from work which i appreciate. It makes the work environment better and doesn't make me feel so alone in such a big city. I sure will miss those helpful smiles in every aisle. Pun intended.

On top of my missing list, obviously is my dad. I miss him just while I live in Lincoln so being in a whole other country is going to be tough. I'm daddy's little girl. I got two two handed hug goodbyes and lots of be safes, let me know as soon as you get there comments before he headed off to work. I love him. And also he told me that I needed to call him Wednesday night to talk before my flight on Thursday. I have the best dad and would argue it all night.

By the way, whoever cares enough, I will be using skype/facetime and also facebook for communication with my loved ones in the US. oh and SNAPCHAT. If you want to add me on either or just let me know and we can get connected. Phone calls are crazy expensive so will give thanks to the internet that makes communication free.

As I embrace my last day in America for 30 days, I have two things I'm worrying about; my host moms gift (I am well aware of how last minute this is) and the weather. I love Nebraska but seriously why must it be thunder storming every night the last few nights I'm here. IT'S FREAKING ME OUT. And according to the weather channel its going to be thunder storming on Thursday. Hopefully the weather man is wrong. He usually is wrong anyways. I promised myself I would make it work no matter the outcome.

So really technically
 I'm only stressing about my host moms gift. I've searched the internet and found the best idea ever. A calendar of Nebraska landscape. So perfect to bad I can't freaking find one anywhere. I wish I would have thought of this before hand so I could have ordered one online but you know I'm a procrastinator and I now only have at the very most 24 hours to find her a gift that I am satisfied with. I could easily get her a Nebraska football shirt but I actually want to get her something with more meaning.

Wish me luck. I'm determined to get her something other than a tshirt.
My Name isn't Creative Cristina for a reason.
Just kidding, its Cristina the Crazy Cat Lady.

Just kitten. Meow.

Wish me luck. I'll keep you posted.
-Sweet Dreams

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Pre-Departure Jitters.

I'm going to Spain next week.

Next week.

As in 8 days.

When people ask me how I feel about it I just give them a blank stare. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited it's just scary and super stressful right now and the inner procrastinator is trying to be as lazy as possible. Do I pack this? Do I pack that? How am I getting to the airport? How much money do I have to spend? Plus all the last minute shopping I have to do. I just want someone to pack all my stuff for me and just be there already. Did I mention I'm taking everything in my carry on because I have a fear of lost luggage and don't want that stress either? Yeah, doubt anyone wants to help now. I mean I don't even want to do it.

On the top of my to do list (besides packing) is buying my host mom a present that represents Nebraska and my life here in Nebraska. Give her a piece of my home since she'll be opening hers to me. I've spend all day thinking, Googling, talking about it with friends and I'm still at a dead end. Part of me wants to go simple (me simple? hahaha) and buy her a cooking apron with the Husker N on it and a bag of recess peanut butter cups because I read somewhere it's hard to find those. But then I start over thinking and getting more stressed out and then just some how end up looking at cat pictures on Pintrest. Like what if she doesn't like it or use it? I want to giver her something she will actually appreciate or love. I'm sure I'm just going way to deep into this but really? She's like 72 years old, I don't want to disappoint.

Literally I'm not at all stressed out about being in Spain. I am beyond thrilled and excited because nothing makes me more happier than getting to explore. Exploring whether it'd be my mind or a place I am truly happy.

My dad told me that when I was younger when people asked what I wanted to be when I grow up, I always said a traveler. I always said I want to travel the world because the world is too big to not explore. The fact that even when I was five I had this dream and it finally gets to come true warms my heart in ways no one will ever understand. 

This is my dream. And my trip to Spain is only part one of an on going dream.

-Sweet dreams